关键视觉:Bayferrox EPD认证



As the first manufacturer of synthetic iron oxide pigments LANXESS offers verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for key product groups. They provide comprehensive information on the environmental performance of our Bayferrox pigments from the cradle to gate. The environmental product declarations for Bayferrox pigments are verified by the German Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) according to the international standard ISO 14025 as well as the European standard EN 15804.Bayferrox氧化铁颜料用于着色混凝土建筑材料,涂料和塑料在建筑业。

用于氧化铁颜料的EPD - 我们的客户如何受益

The publication of EPDs for selected iron oxides is an expression of our commitment to setting the highest sustainability standards in the pigment industry. Our customers benefit from this:

  • EPD为比较不同原料供应商的产品提供可靠的基础。关于Bayferrox颜料的生态型材的完整透明度,可以获得可靠的评估。因此,建筑材料制造商可以优化自己产品的生态平衡。
  • 原材料的验证环保署用于刺激uction of building materials can positively influence theirevaluation in the context of building certifications or public tenders.使用Bayferrox EPD来改善您自己产品的生命周期评估。

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Green Building


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