Why choose Saltidin®?

Gentle and effective protection against insects, ticks & assorted bugs

Insects and ticks can transmit dangerous diseases. This makes effective insect repellents that are at the same time gentle on the skin more important than ever. It’s in exactly this regard that Saltidin®excels, and several formulations containing Saltidin®(Picaridin) are already available on the market.

saltidin.®insect repellents provide gentle and effective protection

saltidin.®(Picaridin) is a relatively new active ingredient designed to repel insects and ticks. It was developed in 1985 as an alternative to diethyltoluamide (DEET), highly effective while gentle on the skin.

Icaridin (the internatinal non-proprietary name of the active ingredient) is a piperidine derivative, and an almost odorless and colorless liquid. Saltigo, a LANXESS subsidiary, markets the active ingredient worldwide under the trade name Saltidin®, with decades of proven expertise in large-scale production. Repellent packaging will say Saltidin®或icaridin,在讲英语国家,皮卡里顿和西班牙语国家,icaridina或picaridina。


Nora Hofmann, Saltigo, 2021 Lanxess.
Dr. Nora Hofmann, Global Business Manager Saltidin®

saltidin.®protects against a wide variety of ticks and insects

Extensive laboratory and field tests have proven that Saltidin®(Picaridin)对各种血液吸血昆虫提供可靠和持久的驱动效果。这些包括蚊子,蜱和咬苍蝇以及马花和跳蚤。saltidin.®has also proven effective against gnats, ants, and cockroaches. Amongst those, mosquitoes and ticks are very common disease carriers.


Nearly everyone, wherever they live in the world, is exposed to the risk of contracting an insect-borne disease. Every year, theWHO纪录超过2亿例疟疾和近1亿日耳热发烧感染。以这种方式传播的危险疾病还包括莱姆病,初夏脑膜炎,西尼罗河热和黄热病。各种蚊虫种类还传播淋巴丝体,Zika病毒和Chikungunya病毒疾病等疾病。

Blood-sucking insects as carriers of disease are starting to pose an increasing risk in temperate regions too. Institutions such as theRobert Koch Institute(RKI)1in Germany are monitoring this development closely. Globalization, travel, and climate change create favorable conditions for invasive species. One of these is the Asian tiger mosquito, which can transmit several diseases.

A range of measures can be used to counteract these carriers. One of the most important measures for personal protection is the use of insect repellents. Ideally, they should be effective but gentle enough to be suitable for sensitive skin. Icaridin is one of the active ingredients recommended by numerous organizations, including the US疾病控制中心and the德国热带医学学会1,Travel Medicine and Global Health1recommend the use of Icaridin.


saltidin.®(Icaridin/Picaridin) stands for gentle yet long-lasting protection. As the insect repellent remains on the skin surface very little of it is absorbed by the organism. Consumers with sensitive skin should note that Saltidin®

  • does not irritate the skin
  • 不会引起皮肤敏感性。

Therefore the active ingredient can be safely used in insect repellents for thewhole family. Comprehensive toxicology studies have shown that Saltidin®(Picaridin)对弱势群体(如儿童或护理母亲)没有任何负面影响。由于其良好的皮肤相容性,活性成分甚至用于低过敏产品 - 批准德语Allergy and Asthma Association.

An insect repellent that even feels good on the skin

While other ingredients may influence skin feeling, insect repellents containing Saltidin®(Picaridin)通常在皮肤上感到非常愉快,作为活性成分

  • is almost odorless and colorless,
  • 感觉不油腻或粘,
  • does not corrode plastics,
  • 并且可用于种类的配方和应用,从乳霜到喷雾。

Should painted nails or sunglasses come into contact with the active ingredient, they remain undamaged. Saltidin®(Picaridin)也与大多数运动和户外设备以及铝箔或家具抛光等家居用品兼容。这种材料兼容性是其有利的重要观点。

saltidin.®is suitable for a wide range of applications

saltidin.®(icaridin / picraidin)适用于最多种式的配方,无论是人类还是动物使用,固体,液体或气溶胶形式。saltidin.®(Picaridin) may be used in water, oil or alcohol-based solutions. The active ingredient is compatible with many common cosmetic ingredients, including Aloe Vera, Dexpanthenol (pro-vitamin B5) and glycerin.

Saltigo assists manufacturers in the development of the most varied end-product formulations. For example, we provide guide formulations containing different concentrations of active ingredients for use in creams, gels, lotions, and pump sprays. We also offer guide formulations for wipes and other application methods.

saltidin.®provides advantages for processing and application

Manufacturers can also benefit from the advantageous processing characteristics of the active ingredient. Saltidin®(Picaridin):

  • 有很长的保质期,
  • does not stick or smear,
  • is easily soluble,
  • 可能会加工热或冷,
  • does not corrode processing equipment,
  • 与许多塑料和包装材料兼容,和
  • is safe to handle and to apply, as well as for the environment.

Would you like to find out more? Feel free to contact us

Your tailored end product: Saltigo is here to support manufacturers

saltidin.®(icaridin / picraidin)在包括欧盟,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚和中国的众多国家和经济地区注册为活性成分。具体规定控制成分是否被认为是杀生物剂,药物或化妆品添加剂。Saltigo也支持制造商和制造商,也有监管问题。利用我们的专业知识!


- 美国的监管要求与欧盟不同。请拜访www.picaridin.saltidin.com与我们的美国团队取得联系 -

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What is it and how does it work? Here you will find some responses to common questions about the application and formulation of this active ingredient for repellents.
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