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We support your product development


Repellents with Saltidin®-

Saltidin®(Picaridin) is suitable for a wide range of different product formulations, whether for use on humans or animals, in solid or liquid applications or for aerosols. This offers clear benefits for formulators. This offers clear benefits for formulators:

  • Saltidin®(Picaridin / icaridin)可用于水,油或醇类溶液中。
  • It is easily formulated – whether hot or cold.
  • 此外,它与许多常见的化妆品成分相容,例如芦荟,甲酸甲苯酚(亲 - 维生素B5),素食丝和甘油。


  • hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin,
  • 适合弱势群体,如小孩和孕妇,
  • 无色and几乎odorless,
  • 不粘或油腻,
  • 并且不会损坏户外服装等合成材料。

Sibel Ciftici,Sgo,2021 LANXESS
Dr. Sibel Çiftçi, Senior Technical Product Manager Saltidin®


Our technical support service benefits from decades of experience in cosmetic formulations using Saltidin®(Picaridin). We are well versed in compatibility with cosmetic ingredients and are constantly developing our guide formulations to adapt to current market needs and trends.

  • assist you with new projects and innovation,
  • provide you with Saltigo-owned analytics,
  • 如果需要,请使用测试实验室连接。

New product development using Saltidin®- 我们的团队一直在你身边

我们的技术支持始终在手头上辅助 - 例如,如果您的新配方不够稳定,则会检测到覆盖,或者您是否有关于添加其他成分的疑问。大规模生产也可以提出自己的挑战。我们的支持团队在这里帮助其专业知识 - 例如,在识别错误​​源中。

On the path to a new insect repellent: starting our cooperation


Saltigo: innovative strength you can build on

We are always up to date on current research in the insect repellent sector, regularly reviewing relevant patent and scientific publications. We are continuously developing our guide formulations and pursuing new trends in cosmetic formulations and new applications. In addition, Saltigo holds patents related to guide formulations.

Saltidin®packaging sizes

For production scale, we offer the following package sizes:

  • 50 kg vats / 110 lb vats
  • 200 kg vats / 440 lb vats
  • 1公吨容器

Our Saltidin®product management can provide you with packaging specifications on request.

- Regulatory requirements in the United States differ from the EU. Please visitwww.picaridin.saltidin.comto get in touch with our US team -


Service Center

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Developed in 1985 as an effective yet gentle alternative to DEET, Saltidin® (Picaridin) continues its worldwide success story to this day.
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