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"Climate Protection must stay on the Agenda!"

On the way to Climate Neutrality!

What instruments do we need to shape the transition to a climate-neutral society? How can we reduce emissions in the value chain? And how can the competitiveness of the chemical industry be maintained in the process? These questions were the focus of the "Stakeholder Roundtable", held on November 27, 2020, to which LANXESS invited leading experts from the fields of climate protection, business and society. Due to the Corona pandemic situation, the event was held virtually.

LANXESS Management Board member Hubert Fink presented the global climate strategy "Climate Neutral 2040" in a keynote speech. "Even if the public discussion is dominated by the Corona pandemic this year, climate protection remains one of the most urgent problems of mankind," said Fink. The topic must therefore remain at the top of the agenda - and has a very special significance for the company with its climate initiative, he added.

In working groups, participants from business, society and the capital market then addressed the challenges on the road to climate neutrality. The discussion focused on renewable energies, possible strategies for an emissions-free value chain and instruments for climate protection in companies and politics.

Common goals

"I particularly liked the fact that we were able to discuss openly but without polarization - with the feeling of pursuing common goals," said Fink at the end of the virtual exchange. "To achieve climate neutrality, we need strong partners and an exchange with decision-makers and experts. I am pleased that we were able to discuss intensively in such a high-caliber round."

The results of the event were recorded in a so-called "graphic recording" (see picture below).

Graphic Recording Stakeholder Roundtable
You can find out more about LANXESS's climate targetshere.
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