
Lightweight Design reduces the energy consumption of electric cars

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Supported by LANXESS products weight can be saved in several areas of automotive vehicles.

This will considerably reduce the fuel/energy consumption of a vehicle which makes it possible either to use smaller battery packs (significant cost saving) or to increase the operating distance of electric cars.
Weight reduction can be achieved with e.g.:

- car body (e.g. front ends, spare wheel recess)
- power train (e.g. engine and gear oil pans, cylinder-head cover, inliner for CNG tanks)
- interior (e.g. airbag housing, seating structures)
- chassis (e.g. pedal system)

Additional information:
goto Link int Lightweight design – with high-tech plastics for "green mobility" TechCenter HPM
lock close EF, XF and high-modulus product lines: Easy-flow and high-strength brochure
goto Link int Main Topic: Green Mobility TechCenter HPM
goto Link int Metal Replacement/High-Modulus products TechCenter HPM
goto Link int Hybrid Technology (PMH) TechCenter HPM
Icon Link ext Tepex Composites Bond-Laminates
Icon Link ext Helping cars shed weight LANXESS corporate website
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